
Canberra’s only dedicated school of Brazilian Zouk

Next Term: 17 January - 6 March

Term 1: 17 January - 6 March
Term 2: 27 March - 15 May
Term 3: 05 June - 24 July
Term 4: 14 August - 02 October
Term 5: 23 October - 11 December

2024 Terms

Class Times

Belconnen Arts Centre, Canberra

6.45pm - Level 1
7.45pm - Level 2
8.45pm - Level 3

About Z-Axis Dance Canberra

“Expression through movement”

Z-Axis Dance was created with the aim of becoming Canberra’s premier Zouk school.

Our classes are focused on the underlying fundamentals of Zouk, which empowers students to dance expressively and freely while still being able to lead and follow successfully. We welcome anyone who wants to become a part of an inclusive community through our fun and energetic classes!

 What is Zouk?

Zouk is a partner dance developed in Rio de Janeiro some time between the 1980s and 1990s. Being a new dance it takes the best from a number of styles and can be danced to most music on the radio today. Zouk is also very flexible and allows for a wide range of expressive and connected dances.

What People Are Saying

“I always look forward to Wednesdays because Wednesdays is Zouk day!”

— Zouk Level 2 Student

“I have found Zouk to be one of the most expressive and freeing partner styles and I’m loving learning Zouk with Bill and Maeve!”

— Zouk Level 3 Student

“Normally I hate dancing but surprisingly I actually enjoyed this! I’ve made my way up to level two and still here!”

— Zouk Level 2 Student