Unsure which level you should be in? Or wondering what to expect in your current or future levels? Look no further!

We recommend being able to comfortably perform all the techniques in the lower levels before moving up to the next level.

Level 1 is a set curriculum which is followed every term. This allows any beginner to start with us and get up to speed, and it also allows more advanced students to come back and focus on their fundamentals.

Levels 2 and 3 are a progressive classes where we attempt to teach something different each week. We take into account the current needs of the class, student requests, events and moves common in the community at the time, and whatever else we can to inspire us in our next class. In saying that, we aim to cover all of the above Level 2 skills within 2 or 3 terms.

Level 1

  • Basic

  • Viradinha

  • Lateral

  • Inside Turn

  • Flick Turn

  • Wrap Turn

  • Elastico

  • Dancing to Time

Level 2

  • Boomerang and Bonus

  • Dips\Cambres

  • Overturns

  • Box step

  • Continuous Straight Turns (2+)

  • Basic Body Isolations

  • Basic Boneca Movements

  • Simple Dives

  • Stretch and React in Lead and Follow

  • Simple Musicality

  • Consistently able to dance to time against complex music

Level 3

  • Everything else!

  • Advanced Musicality and expression

  • Advanced Bonecas

  • Tilted Turns

  • Multiple Turns (Straight and Tilted)

  • Linking and smoothing complex movements and patterns